So, um, on a whim I signed up for a 50 miler coming up in three days. I have a hunch that I'm not trained for a 50 miler but the pull of the Bryce Ultramarathon lured me to click the Register button. The race is put on by Ultra Adventures, the finest race crew in the business. I ran the inaugural race in 2012. My 100 mile race turned into a 100k because the course is really, really hard. I came away with some of my favorite race pictures ever though so it was worth the smack down I received from the course. You can read about the Bryce smack down HERE.
Last week I hit up Toquerville Falls again. This is a really challenging run that will hopefully leave me prepared for an upcoming smack down in September called the Wasatch 100.
The week before when I ran here I stopped and made a little rock cairn on the side of a trail. (What really happened is that my legs were burning, I was out of breath, and I was so hot that I could have started crying. I sat down on a rock to take a break and built the little rock tower.)
I have never, ever seen a solitary person running up here. But what was cool was that there were a few extra rocks added to my tower. Somebody had passed by and saw the tower. Awesome!
Dear trails: I love you too.
There has been a lot of water flowing at the waterfall lately making it incredibly beautiful.
Unfortunately before long the annual vampire blood-sucking deer flies will be out. And unfortunately those vampire blood-sucking deer flies love Toquerville Falls as much as I do. When that happens I'll have to take a sabbatical from running here. So I'm making sure to enjoy every visit while I can.
I am so thankful for the amazing area I live in. When you are surrounded by trails and scenery like this, it becomes really hard to run on the road. You don't see stuff like this when you are running through the neighborhood.
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