Monday, June 1, 2015

Little Debbie, Aunt Jackie, and Some Cowbell

Little Debbie is getting less little by the day. I'd give it four more weeks before we can throw a saddle on her and charge the neighborhood kids $2 each for a ride around the block on a Great Dane.

Just to compare her growth in the first two months we have had Little Debbie, here is a side-by-side picture from the first day we had her:

We are going to have to start charging the neighbors for elephant puppy rides to help pay all her expenses. We have had to take her to the vet a few times for a bacterial infection, and also bought her a bigger kennel. And by "bigger kennel" I mean that our dining room suddenly shrunk because half of it is filled with a kennel big enough for me to fit inside.

Amidst the joys of parenthood with a sock-eating, hole-digging, ear-licking canine, I've been getting in some running too. Last week I took my family (minus one daughter with a sore knee) for their first visit to the More Cowbell Trail. I informed them that it's bad luck if you pass the cowbell without ringing it.

It was slightly warm out on the trail but we just took it easy and took a breather every once in a while. Just long enough to get in a quick jump.

A family that runs together (and only whines a little bit together, and takes jumping pictures together, and then stops for Slurpees afterward together) stays together.

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